Selection, Hiring and Management by Assessment
Which candidates fit your culture?
Would you like to know who should be on the fast track in your organization? Who can motivate your staff to accomplish corporate objectives? Do you have the right people in the right jobs?
We offer a hiring and succession planning process that benchmarks top performers and identifies candidates and employees who best fit your criteria for success. The results of this process allow you to hire and coach employees for accelerated professional development, manage them more effectively, and develop succession plans.
Strategy Management
Having difficulty implementing the strategic plan down through all levels of the organization?Is your business model working in this economy? Do you need to get your management team focused on accomplishing goals?
We offer a facilitative process for a management team or department that helps them to
identify critical success goals. The outcome of this process results in all employees having personal objectives that align with the organization's goals. We show you how to measure your people's performance based on those objectives.
We believe that training should cause behavioral change, and that behavioral change takes time.
All of our training programs include one-on-one coaching and feedbackmeetings with participants’ managers for accountability and results.
Team Results – Builders and Blockers
Does your executive or departmental teams need to focus on getting better results and reaching annualgoals?
Our Team Results – Builders and Blockers program helps teams build and increase team
effectiveness by improving trust, communication, accountability, planning, and execution.
Management Development
Are your managers effectively planning, directing, motivating, and
holding employees accountable for results?
We offer supervisory, management and leadership training for all levels of management in the
organization. Through the use of a one-on-one and group training process, we train and hold managers
accountable for their personal leadership development and achievement of their organizational and
departmental objectives.
Sales Development
Are your salespeople generating enough new business as well as growing the current client base?
We offer sales productivity improvement by teaching your sales managers how to manage a sales team. We teach sales teams to develop their annual sales plan, identify current attitudes that block sales success, measure and monitor sales ratios, time and territory management skills, creative prospecting techniques, consultative sales techniques, presentation and closing skills, and building client relationships.