Thursday, December 13, 2012

Paul Fay joins KLG Consultants, LLC

Welcome Paul Fay! Paul joined KLG Consultants in December 2012 as an Associate.


Paul D. Fay
Prior to working with KLG, Paul was a freelance consultant who merged leadership development with strategy, marketing and efficiency best practices. He has worked with a wide variety of companies, from Fortune 500s to Hungarian software developers. He specializes in developing operational procedures that take into account the whole person at primarily small-to-mid-sized businesses. In this practice, Paul developed a network of contacts who are equally devoted to impacting businesses for the better and will often work in teams to meet client needs.

Paul's experiences have taught him the need for intentional leadership in modern business. He has since invested much study time to build upon his background in Psychology and Philosophy and  leverage the wisdom of the ancients to help solve practical problems in everyday business. 

Paul loves to work with groups to help identify and solve problems that maximize success and generate value. His expertise brings perspective to KLG in the areas of leadership & organizational development, strategic problem solving & innovation, and in behavioral modification for competitive advantage.

Paul earned his Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Organizational Psychology, Leadership and Management Emphasis and Philosophy at Biola University. He Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Paul also received a certificate from the Torrey Honors Institute while attending Biola.

Paul lives with his beautiful wife of 3 years in Arvada, Colorado, where they enjoy rock climbing and serving in their church community as a small group leader and band member. He also maintains relationships with local entrepreneurs as a hobby.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why Values Based Organizational Development?

  •  Kouzes and Posner’s book, The Leadership Challenge  notes that: Organizations with a foundation based on purposeful values-

• grew revenues more than 4 times faster than those without
values and purpose.
• created jobs seven times faster than their competition.
• grew their stock price 12 times faster than those without values
and purpose.
• created 750% higher profit growth than those companies without
values and purpose. 

  • In Built to Last, James Collins and Jerry Porras reveal that purpose- and values-driven organizations outperformed the general market and comparison companies by 15:1 and 6:1, respectively. 

  •  In Corporate Culture and Performance, Harvard professors John Kotter and James Heskett found that firms with shared values–based cultures enjoyed 400% higher revenues, 700%greater job growth, 1,200% higher stock prices and significantly faster profit performance as compared to companies in similar industries.

  • In Firms of Endearment, marketing professor Rajendra Sisodiaand his coauthors explain how companies that put employees’ and customers’ needs ahead of shareholders’ desires outperform conventional competitors in stock-market performance by 8:1. 

  • Leaders who have a clearly articulated purpose and are driven to make a difference can inspire people to overcome insurmountable odds writes Roy M. Spence Jr. in It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand for.

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