Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hiring and Promotion Decisions?

• Do you want to find and hire high-potential employees and decrease
• Is it a priority to develop your personnel and promote the “right”
people in order to get the most out of your employees?
• Is your backup leadership in place? How do you plan for succession?
• Merging? What do you do with the extra CFO?

With approximately 46% of all new-hires failing in the first 18 months and a
turnover cost of roughly 150% of that individual's compensation package, it has
become even more essential to have reliable systems to identify who is right for
what job. KLG has 5 years experience administering the industry-leading and
highly test-retest viable, ProfileXT.

Because your company is unique, this tool generates a custom benchmark for
each position in your organization and has an excellent track record of helping
select, promote and develop high-potential individuals. It measures 20
performance indicators against a normed database and reliably identifies how
an individual will preform relative to the general populace. Completed, it yields
a total person overview of an individual's professional thinking style, behavioral
traits and occupational interests. The profile can be administered online in 60
minutes and results are instant.

Further the tool graphs the individual's tendencies onto the specific needs of
the job and provides managers with insights on how the individual will respond
to various types of coaching in order to maximize the employee's potential
within his or her role.

“KLG Consultants provided us with a methodical and systematic process that included identifying
the type of person needed for success in the position, ascertaining what strengths would be
needed to complement the current leadership, and assessing top candidates using a tool that
measures behaviors and skills to evaluate the degree of fit. Throughout the whole process, KLG
Consultants provided key insights that assisted us in understanding how certain attributes would
benefit or cause disruption for our organization. Having this objective perspective was
immensely valuable in this process. Not only did I learn better ways to gauge a candidate’s fit
with our organization, I also found the information helpful in the on-boarding process of our new
hire. I am confident that with the assistance of KLG Consultants, we have made exceptionally
good decisions in hiring our two new executives, and I look forward to working with them again
in the future."
– Sally Spencer-Thomas, Psy.D., MNM: CEO & Co-Founder, Carson J Spencer Foundation

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Small Talk: Seeds of Value Creation

When leaders and managers are faced with small talk in the form criticism of either of the organization or themselves, we find too frequently the impulsive reaction is to dismiss the negativity and the negative people.

We suggest, and others concur, that this dismissal may be a mistake. One of our white papers contains numerous sources on why critics both outside and inside the organization need a voice. These critics are often passionate about your organization or you, but cannot artfully voice the desire for you or your organization to improve. Worse, when you ignore them, they are denied an opportunity to contribute, collaborate and feel part of an organization. Disengagement leads to unhappiness which, in turn, leads to lowered productivity. As a result you lose an opportunity to keep your critics engaged in your success. Certain credible research suggests if an organization disengages from both internal and external critics and they in turn disengage from you, their passion for your organization can become destructive.

Properly harnessed criticism and complaints can be turned into constructive feedback that can be used to improve professional development programs, products, services and strategic planning.
Criticism directed toward management or leadership is where 360 surveys come in. Properly constructed, 360 tools can contain criticism and filter it into credible, valid and recognized leadership and management skill categories. Not only are critics given a voice, but also a platform to constructively and candidly engage with company management and leadership. This engagement can lead to meaningful behavior change by management and leadership. Research has proven that, if the correct behavior change is sustained, it will improve an organization’s effectiveness.

Custom surveys can be used to capture qualitative data and feedback about products and services. Properly constructed with statistical validity, these surveys can help interpret changing consumer tastes, competitive threats and demographic trends. Also, this data can be used as leading-edge indicators that drive innovation efforts and strategic planning. We also believe risk identification and risk management can be aided by a properly constructed survey tool.

While criticism may be misdirected or downright mean-spirited, using survey tools can contain the criticism and engage the criticizer. Done right, survey tools will filter the feedback into useful and meaningful data that can be used to improve leaders, managers and thereby improve the productivity and profitability of your organization.

Many experts in organizational development also believe the integration of qualitative data from internal stakeholders such as employees, managers, board members, etc. is a critical part of creating balanced scorecard tools that measure the performance and effectiveness of an organization. When properly analyzed and integrated into the strategic planning process, these tools can help organizations learn and drive change initiatives that promote growth and profitability.

We believe this is why the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce engaged KLG Consultants, LLC to provide strategic human resource consulting. The scope of the engagement included design and delivery of employee surveys and their integration into the strategic planning process for the Chamber.

Research For Business Owners, CEOs and Organizational Leaders

“Start with good people
who are right for the job;
train and motivate them;
give them opportunity for
advancement; and your
organization will
J.W. Marriott

Kouzes and Posner’s book, The Leadership Challenge notes that: Organizations with a foundation based on purposeful values:
       grew revenues more than 4 times faster than those without values and purpose.
       created jobs seven times faster than their competition.
       grew their stock price 12 times faster than those without values and purpose.
       created 750% higher profit growth than those companies without values and purpose.
Dan Pink notes in his video that the Federal Reserve’s research shows that money incentives were less effective than purpose in high cognitive functions.

In Built to Last, James Collins and Jerry Porras reveal that purpose- and values-driven organizations outperformed the general market and comparison companies by 15:1 and 6:1, respectively.
In Corporate Culture and Performance, Harvard professors John Kotter and James Heskett found that firms with shared-values–based cultures enjoyed 400% higher revenues, 700% greater job growth, 1,200% higher stock prices and significantly faster profit performance as compared to companies in similar industries.
In Firms of Endearment, marketing professor Rajendra Sisodia and his coauthors explain how companies that put employees’ and customers’ needs ahead of shareholders’ desires outperform conventional competitors in stock-market performance by 8:1.
 Leaders who have a clearly articulated purpose and are driven to make a difference can inspire people to overcome insurmountable odds writes Roy M. Spence Jr. in It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand for.
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