Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Okay to Be the Boss

In today's high-pressure workplace managing people has become increasingly important in maintaining competitive advantage. Current research reveals that employees don't quit organizations, they quit their immediate supervisor. And when an employee walks out the door, they take all of their talent, knowledge, and experience with them. So how are managers "managing" today? Most managers take a hands-off approach. They empower employees by leaving them alone to succeed or fail on their own accord. Besides, managers don't have the time to manage when faced with all of their other responsibilities.
In the It's Okay to Be the Boss Workshop, managers are taught that empowerment is not an excuse for under management. This step-by-step program shows managers how to:
  1. Get in the habit of managing every day.
  2. Learn to talk like a performance coach.
  3. Take it one person at a time.
  4. Make accountability a real process.
  5. Tell people what to do and how to do it.
  6. Track performance every step of the way.
  7. Solve small problems before they turn into big problems.
  8. Do more for some people and less for others.
Managers will leave the workshop ready to embrace their crucial responsibility of being a great boss.

Contact KLG to discuss!


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